Wednesday, May 11, 2011


First of all thank you so much for everything you had done. You are good fighter, I really respect your strong determination, strength, your efforts, your endeavors in order to achieve your goal that you had put. I really had nothing to say and I do want to congratulate you on your success. You really confronted several difficult situations, circumstances, conditions even in very tough and hard times. I think you are good manager of and you are managing time that is all what I want to say. Of course I just came there in your life just for sometime and disappeared permanently. I would like to assure you that I am being unable to manage time and unfortunately time is managing me. This is really a unfortunate. I strongly adhere your strong commitments, yes of course I do respect your strong and extremely organizational skills. You are here because what you were yesterday and you will be what you are today. I admire your humanitarian quality, professional quality, again I would like to say that you can become FLORENCE NITINGALE. And you deserve it. Not just that you are good employee, good sister, daughter, good sister, good wife everything.

From Zero and my papa

There is very sunny day!! sometimes I used to joke and say with my friends that "is there seven or eight suns are there in the sky" they smile. In this sunny day my daily routine is just to wake up early in the morning and go somewhere e-commerce training that is annoying me with the instructors and employers. As soon as completing training I used to modify and prepare cv, having tea, and hanging on different types public vehicles from one location to another. I just see people's rushing here and there. Sometimes I really become surprise what are they doing? where are they going? where they are from? what they do?. this world is such a peculiar and really embarrassing. And my another major daily work is to visit recruitment offices after seeing in different news papers. give and tell my previous experiences. Sometimes savior headache makes my head bound to burst. After all walking in the midday sun I think is not irregular. Remembrance of my mother makes me my heart swollen and my heart start to move fast. Hello! mom I am sure you are having really tough time. I am so sorry, I am extremely sorry I am being unable to make communication with you. I hope you will apologies me. isn't it? Dad! where have you gone ? won't you get back? I think you are looking me from above. You told me dad I am really brave? but now I don't think I am. You lied me. Now I have been realizing how hard you work in order to grow me young? I am so sorry papa. I can't excuse myself. I still remember the things and matters that you told me. You took me to market when I was small and bought a white shoe for me. We went several places where you hold me. I am so sorry papa! where are you? I still have your cloths, photographs, your caps and everything. Sometimes you come in my dream and walking together but when I wake up you are not there. Actually I didn't wanted to write about you emotionally I remembered you and that did not stopped from my heart. I am so sorry papa.I still remember that I have taken you several hospitals all around the country. How special you were? you used to talk with people in different topics. You were always good, brave, courageous, clever, kind hearted and you were one of the best papa in the world and you were simple awesome and uncomparable. Papa..........

You won!!

After several years of struggle with different and very complicated circumstances we did it with our commitment in order to achieve our goals and aims. I really didn't know and being unable to understand you could this to me. Now you are carrying several peoples life in your hand. Only a single decision could make a huge difference in many peoples life. I never ever imagined that you can do this to me. I think now things, thoughts, opinions has changed but when I met you I didn't find any single difference in you. I found everything was in order and everything was as same to previous. You can realize yourself what type of human being am I?. Now you proved yourself that you are a person with stone hearted. I just can't believe whats going on me?. Oh no if you just agreed there could be brighter things in you and me as well. This is fact that as soon as a baby is born and gets 2 years of old age his/her 90% of brain is already developed so we are already multiplied by twenty times.I would like to suggest you keep on and do continue to make your decisions by others. As long as I am alive I will definitely listen and know from any sources. You just become really happy with prosperous life ahead. Thank god ! I am being able to make my own decisions so I can live and work with own my way. As you know that all of we are human beings and all of need and want is happiness. I can see people's are roaming here and there just for happiness but  I really don't know how many peoples are able to catch happiness and live their life happily. Now I am absolutely confident because I have  we have done it and proved this world that we can do it. I really don't have any single words to say regarding god. I think god is not in my favor and he is in your favor. thanks thanks for everything and sorry for everything that caused you suffer.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Nasty Cut

Life has became really heavy burden. I just look my back and remember all the things that I have done. Sometimes I think I have done nothing in my previous life. But time is running out that I am being unable to run after time. and Sometimes time is managing me that I am being unable to manage time. What to say what to not I feel really poor myself and sometimes really rich. Some times I think myself at the top but sometimes lower then bottom of Mt. Everest. I think I have done several things in my life to other from my heart and brain but I am being unable to do for my sake. Why this is happening to me. I really don't know. Recently I have done one of the biggest dream project in my life that came with success but finally I did it for mutual benefit but it turned over me to almost at the edge of my life. It gave someone so higher that they don't have to look  back again. They really really became so selfish and one sided and I think its like give and give and not give and take.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Late king Birendra in Brief

Generally seen as a benevolent monarch, King Birendra ruled absolutely for 18 years before the people's movement of 1990 convinced him to lift the ban on political parties and hand over sovereignty to the people. That single fateful decision, made on the night of Chitra 26,2046 B.S, changed the course of history in Nepal. It effectively undid his father's legacy and ushered in pluralistic democracy.
Nepal today is an infant but vibrant democracy thanks to king Birendra 's wise decision - a direct result of the people 's movement spearheaded by the Nepali congress and communist forces.
Earlier in 2036 B.S after a student s' campaign crippled the nation; the king showed he had democratic credentials by ordering a general referendum on the Panchayat system in which the voters were free to choose between a reformed Panchayat and multiparty democracy.
In the 10 years since democracy firm returned to Nepal in 1990 King Birendra has remained one of the few personalities who has stuck closely to the letter and sprit of the constitution further bolstering his democratic credentials.

About Taplejung

Taplejung Bazar is located on the edge of th e mid-land and is situated on hillock of 1850 meter high from the mean sea level and it takes 5 to 6 days to walk on foot to reach Taplejung from Dharan Bazar located in the eastern Terai region of Nepal. Near Taplejung one can enjoy the beauty of lake called Jimiri. From Taplejung after replenishing the food stuff one can follow Tamur river crossing either banks for many times for days together in 50 kms long walk. After Badanda there is no village before Wolangchung gola. If one is interested with snow glacier he can try to go to last village Yagma i.e. 18 kms. Form there the northern face of Kanchenjunga is seen. From Yagma visitors can come back 18 kms south and reach Ghunsa and then 18 kms which is right at the base of Kanchenjunga. In the trek trekkers can engjoy the nature and it will take approximately one month from pashupati to back to Kathmandu by Plane.
If visitors or trekkers want to go westerly direction then again from Taplejung one can go along the bank of Mewa river and then Dongen village and follow Topkegola (40 kms.) there can see glacial lakes: Tin pokhari and Lam Pokhari. If it is summer one can try to come to Chainpur i.e. 45 kms after walking in wilderness.
Chianpur is beautiful place. After taking rest travelers can walk 12 kms and take the plane to Kathmandu from Tumlingtar. From Tumlingtar also following the western bank and going to Dingla and one can go to Jalang the last village following practically Arun river. On the trail many places will come like Mangtewa, Sedua, Sampung, Hatia, Chepua ect.From Biratnager also one can go via Tribenighat and Bhojpur and Dingle i.e. 75 kms walk and nearly 45 kms drive to Dharan and then Chatra.
If visitor is not interested to go to high altitude then Biratnagar to Dharan and Dhankuta 18 kms, Hile, 3 kms and following along then Arun river partly to Chainpur and then to fly back from the Tumlingtar.

Monday, May 2, 2011

My city

My city is located around 600 kilometer from the capital of kathmandu that is called Dharan. Dharan is one of the most beautiful city among other cities of Nepal. City is very popular in different views such as pilgrimages, Tourism destination, very clean city, open people and one of the very popular place Called Bhedetar. well, there are several places to visit Dharan. There is very holy pilgrimage called Barahachhetra. Budda subba, dantakali, pindeshwor, bishnupaduka, bagarkot, panchkanya, bhataabhunge king's durbar etc etc. population of Dharan is around one hundred and fifty thousand. Most of people from Dharan reside in UK, Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and other various countries. Dharan is multicultural, multi cast, multi religion city. There is one big hospital called BP memorial hospital in Most probably this is one of the remarkable hospital in south Asia having more than 200 beds. There is eye catching beautiful place called Bhedetar that is located around 20 kilometer far from Dharan city.

Another beautiful part of Dharan is that this city is very clean and there is very good provision of roads and this city is known as model city of Nepal. you can find more information on There is earthquake memorial monument in the heart of Dharan. that was built in the memory of earthquake before 20 years in Dharan and there is also clock tower in the heart of Dharan.

Nepalese Handicrafts

I think Nepal is not just well known in other ways but also in handmade items. There are several handmade items in Nepal like woolen, ceramic, pashmina, clay items, felt products, handmade jeweleries, nettle products, singing bowls, carpet, Thankas and many more. Handmade products are very popular all over the world because of its durability, good looking, and mostly all of hand made products are made by widow woman, war conflicted people. There is still racial discrimination in Nepal in remote places. I think Nepal made handicrafts are being globally well known. There are several export houses in Nepal they made different handicrafts to around the globe specially in European countries like Italy, Belgium, France, Germany, USA, UK and other many countries. In the early days there were very huge demand of handicraft of Nepali handmade products but later on due to unstable political situation it has been remarkably cut down in the market. We can see different hand made products are laid on in various places.

Nepalese youth and employment

Nepal is small and landlocked country situated between China in the north and India in the north. Population of Nepal is increasing everyday in very rapidly. Every year more and more youths are being educated. Every year more youths are higher education. Every year tens of thousand youths are getting higher education but unfortunately employment creation is very limited in Nepal. Government is being unable to create employment opportunities to the youths. most of unskilled youths are going gulf countries like UAE. They working in very low wages just few cents every day. I think this is lowest paid laborers in the world. This is fact that some of people are skilled and they get high payment in different countries. Most of youths are going abroad everyday. I think 95 percent youths are willing to go abroad either for study or work. I can see every youths seeking to abroad everywhere. If this continuous there will be shortage of skilled worker in later days. I grade Nepali youths in three sections; highly educated, educated and uneducated. Highly educated youths get different opportunities in different world developed countries like USA, UK, Australia and Europe. educated seek for opportunities in different countries but its really hard for them to grab opportunities and uneducated youths are compelled to go countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Kingdom of Saudi Arabian countries in lowest monthly wages starting from 100 US dollars.

Tourism and Nepal

Tourism business is one of the fastest growing business all over the world. As we know world is being like global village. Migration, visit, travel from one country to another country is rapidly increasing everyday. So it would be continue to be so in next coming days. countries like Switzerland, Canada, Europe has highest income from the tourism. Countries like Nepal has highest potentialities in the industry of Tourism due to its beautiful land locked and great Himalayan ranges, multicultural society, language, birth country of lord buddha, several world heritage sites. One of the greatest and matter is that the highest peak of the world Mt. Everest is located in Nepal including seven highest peaks of the world. Not only that there are several extinct birds, one horn rhinos, elephant are in Nepal. It won't be exaggeration if we say Tourism is synonym for Nepal. Currently Nepal government has announced Tourism year 2011 with slogan of "Together for Tourism". Its well known that due to several political instability government is being unable to focus adequately. Still then there are various observations are going on in Nepal in order to make success of tourism.